Thursday, March 10, 2011

Summary of Notes on Better Lesson Planning (Kizlik)

The most effective teachers are good planners and thinkers.
The purpose of a lesson plan is to communicate.
If you write a lesson plan that can be interpreted or implemented in many different ways, it is probably not a very good plan.
Things to consider:
1. The objective - description of what a student does that forms a basis for making an inference about learning.
2. The lesson assessment - description of how the teacher will determine whether the objective has been accomplished.
3. The prerequisites - A statement about what the student needs to know or be able to do to succeed and accomplish the objective.
4. The materials - a list of materials in line with what you actually plan to do.
5. The instruction - description of efficient teaching behavior that gets more learning done with the same or less effort.
6. The student activities - a list of activities that directly relate to the lesson objective(s).

The Lesson Plan
1. Preliminary information
  • Grade
  • Level of students
  • Specific subject matter
  • Name of unit
  • Name of the teacher
2. The Parts
  • Information about students: age, grade level, and what they already know about the lesson objectives.
  • Time to complete lesson
  • Description of the materials
  • Information about how to acquire the materials
  • Information about obtaining special permissions.
  • What are the inputs?
  • What is the output?
  • What instructional activities do I do?
  • What do the students do?
  • How will the learning be measured?
  • What follow up activities do I have?
  • How can I assess myself? (Difference btw what you wanted and what was attained)
Vocabulary for Writing Behavioral Objectives
Apply a Rule / Assess / Classify / Compose / Construct / Define /Demonstrate / Describe / Diagram / Distinguish / Estimate / Evaluate / Identify / Interpret / Label / Locate / Measure / Name / Order / Predict / Reproduce / Solve / State a Rule / Translate

Kizlik, B. (2009). Six Common Mistakes in Writing Lesson Plans
(and what to do about them)
, Retrieved March 11, 2011, from

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

8.7 What is a teacher?

A teacher is a critically reflective individual who facilitates engaging activities that focus on learning more than content. Someone who tests and re-evaluates their own assumptions and is also a resource provider and pretty much jack of all trades... (Brookfield, 1995)